AXUM is active in the construction industry & the purchase and sale of real estate. It specializes in the management and development of real estate, hotels and tourist accommodation and construction projects of all kinds.
Purchase & Property Management
We facilitate the purchase and sale of properties & offer comprehensive property management services that increase operating income.
- Purchase
- Sale
- Management
The experts in mediation for the purchase & sale of hotel units.
- Purchase
- Sale
- Management
Construction projects
Axum undertakes major infrastructure construction projects for the public and private sectors, either independently or in joint ventures.
- Property
- Public sector projects
Advisory services
Making decisions that lead to efficient and profitable conditions is a multidimensional problem. AXUM provides consultancy services to provide guidance in the uncertain real estate environment. Our staff consists of experienced consultants with many years of experience in the field, ready to help any individual-business to rise with the milestone of profit maximization. The continuous evolution of the economy makes it necessary for our company to contribute to the consulting industry by providing specialized knowledge.
The group
The responsibility for the stable and successful course of AXUM SA belongs to a dynamic and solid management team. The characteristics of this team are the modern organization, the extensive experience of its staff, business flexibility, dedication to quality and the constant search for innovation.